The information that Rehov does provide is based on interviewees who use bona fide images and documents to substantiate their claim
“Seeing Pierre Rehov’s documentary film ‘The Silent Exodus’ about the expulsion and flight of a million Sephardi Jews helped me gain a better understanding of the tragedy of a community that was integral and fundamental to Arab society.”
I am so used to seeing lame and superficial propaganda that blames Americans and Israelis for the acts of terrorists, that this totally caught me off guard.
The most shocking moments of Rehov’s films involve blatant Palestinian efforts to manipulate the media
“There is only one filmaker who has presented the truth in the matter of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and his nom de guerre is Pierre Rehov”
Everyone is asking the same questions: How should we respond to terrorism ? Should we be afraid of it? What does it mean for our future? Pierre Rehov, a French filmmaker, by no means purports to answer all of these questions.
Provocative films about the combat between Palestinian militants and Israeli army
“In his documentaries, Pierre Rehov demonstrates how our version of the middle east conflict has been corrupted by the Arab use of reporters as propagandists”
If you’re tired of the New York Times-NPR Slant on Israel and the Palestinians, here’s good news: documentary filmmaker Pierre Rehov has been challenging prevailing myths since 2001.
Rehov continues to make documentaries about the shocking reality he uncovers in the Middle East because no one else does